If you had three months to travel – money no object – where would you go and what would you do?
Being a tour guide isn’t all hard work.
I learn’t a very valuable less on my last holiday. It was that travel for me is not about seeing places, it is about experiencing places. I need time and leisure and friends and memories. I need to be part of the activity of a place.
And that makes fitting all I’d like to do in three months of travel quite difficult.
While we are sticking with three’s I might just pick three locations. Costa Rica and my sloth brothers, a small slice of South America for some rain forests and wine and my love of cycling in Europe.
Better than the wall giving directions. I’m a Sydney local!
I’m a little worried that I’ve turned into a Sydney local overnight. Twice today I was asked for directions. Sure, one of those times I had no idea but the other I knew!
For reference the Hilton Sydney is at 488 George St (but there’s parking off Pitt St as well for us Sydney locals 😉 ) and Rockpool Bar & Grill is just around the corner from my work and can be found at the corner of Hunter and Bligh.
Found the Hilton Sydney on my walk back home.
I even found the Hilton on my walk back home so I’ve locked that one into the memory bank.
I have a large number of goals this year. They’re possibly spiraling out of control. And there are a couple that I don’t know how to achieve yet. One of those goals was to increase my knowledge around the  oil and gas industry. I’d had a look around at the time of setting my goals and nothing had turned up of interest on the MOOC sites I’d checked. Living in Perth I figured there would be some good summary classes that I might be able to pay for at a local university but those seemed more targeted at specific course areas. I left the goal and moved on.
Course textbook for the Reservoir Geomechanics class hosted by Standford. Mark Zoback is the lecturer.
So when an email “New Stanford Online Learning Opportunities!” lobbed into my account I was pleasantly surprised to see a course on Reservoir Geomechanics.
Every time I walk through the cemetery I think about legacy. Leaving a legacy and doing something good for the world. Not being selfish and leaving a tombstone as the only reminder of my time on earth. Not being the person who attends a tombstone weekly to tend and mend the dead. That’s all the tending to a grave is – trying to bring someone back to life who is already gone. The world is more than that and you and I have more to offer.
But what are you doing? Umpiring hockey occasionally, helping out at cricket. Those are pretty selfish really. Those are personal. Those aren’t going to leave a deep legacy. Those aren’t helping people who need help. You’re not even helping grow the kids.