Category Archives: Goals

Articles relating to goal setting and my personal goals. Most of the goals are still standing so give a good insight to my strengths in completion.

Regardless there are many hours, days and years left to achieve these goals and help make the world a beautiful place.

Real Life Sales Examples – Seafood

I’ve just finished a trip to Bintan Island with my girlfriend. (And we managed to survive!) Not only was it good for helping me progress towards my goals of travelling more but I felt like I learnt some valuable lessons with the trip as well.

The first is that beef bacon is terrible. It just doesn’t have the right texture or taste. I’d even take turkey bacon over beef bacon. I need to reconsider if I could live in a muslim country based on this learning.

More seriously I saw some interesting examples of sales tactics. The first was at a Cui Yong Kelong. There were so many steps to this sales process. Continue reading Real Life Sales Examples – Seafood

What are you going to do?

Every time I walk through the cemetery I think about legacy. Leaving a legacy and doing something good for the world. Not being selfish and leaving a tombstone as the only reminder of my time on earth. Not being the person who attends a tombstone weekly to tend and mend the dead. That’s all the tending to a grave is – trying to bring someone back to life who is already gone. The world is more than that and you and I have more to offer.

But what are you doing? Umpiring hockey occasionally, helping out at cricket. Those are pretty selfish really. Those are personal. Those aren’t going to leave a deep legacy. Those aren’t helping people who need help. You’re not even helping grow the kids.

So, what are you going to do?

Continue reading What are you going to do?