All posts by fozziewossie

Always thinking and challenging. Always looking for something new. Love travel and work which are the main influences for my work.

Power: The Dark Side – Self Focus

I think one of the most under-addressed elements I’ve seen in organisations is who is allocated power. As usual I’m going to make some references to Influencing People – a class that I completed on Coursera recently.

Week 1 included sections on power – what is it, what are the benefits, what are the downsides, Continue reading Power: The Dark Side – Self Focus

Collaboration – Breaking the Pyramids

One of the roles I quietly took on in 2015 was that of the APAC Social Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Lead. You can now find some details of the role on my LinkedIn profile which I’ve updated as part of the concepts taught in the Coursera Influencing People class – building authority through symbols.

Continue reading Collaboration – Breaking the Pyramids


Sunset in Haymarket
Settling in for sunset in Haymarket

Sunshine. Streaming down and in. Warming the skin with its sweet touch. Closing the eyes with delicious brightness. Causing a glow and a shimmer to the world. Life. A yellow call further away than comprehension but so close as to touch my heart. The sun itself causing waves and ripples. It’s a myth that it can enlighten but it can awaken.

The senses, touch, sight. Can you hear the sun? Can you smell it? Can you taste it?

A days noise starts with the sun and the flowers open, your tummy rumbles and demands attention from the produce of the sun.

Sunshine provides time and order, and with each day comes a sense of purpose. For me sunshine is happiness and colour, fun and friends, relaxation or work, vibrancy. When the sun goes down for the last time I will be done.